In response to requests for a lower level of WE
competition, this year PAALH is pleased to offer an Intro
to Working Equitation award. This award is geared towards
those riders who want to compete in Working Equitation
but whose horses are not yet ready for the Novice Level
of competition, which requires horses to be at least 5
years old, and capable of performing movements like
countercanter, canter changes, canter-halt, canter volte
or rollback, medium paces, etc. This is the first time
the Intro to WE has been offered, and like the Novice
Level, it will be offered as a judged demonstration class
to give everyone an opportunity to get a feel for the
competition without undue stress.
To encourage riders to prepare their horses appropriately
for the Novice Level, this year the Intro Level will
require participants to compete in all of three different
classes. These classes are as follows:
1) Any Training or First Level dressage test offered at
the show; and
2) A reining class; and
3) A trail class.
Intro to Working Equitation participants must declare
their intent to compete for this award prior to the start
of their first qualifying class and must notify show
management at that time which classes they wish to have
counted towards this award. Participants will only ride
the patterns once per class, and if they choose, their
scores will be applied both to the normal class placings
as well as to the Intro to WE placings. The Intro to WE
component will in no way affect the outcome of the
regular classes (dressage/reining/trail). The Intro to WE
placings will be established via a point system similar
to that used in the Novice Working Equitation (see WE
Rules & Regulations).
Intro to WE participants must abide by the regulations
that apply to each of the three classes with respect to
rules, tack and attire. If participants wish to compete
in tack and attire that is not normally permitted in the
classes involved, they may follow the tack and attire
regulations that apply to the Novice Working Equitation
competition, however they will only be eligible for the
Intro to WE award placings, and not placings in those
classes where the tack/attire does not conform to the
normal class regulations. For example, a competitor
participating with western tack in a dressage class would
only be eligible for WE placings, not regular dressage
class placings.
It is the competitors' responsibility to educate
themselves in the rules and regulations pertaining to all
these classes, and to notify show management in advance
of their intent to participate.
There will be an additional entry fee for the Intro to WE
competition over and above the normal class fees for
those participants wishing to be eligible for placings in
both the relevant regular classes and the Intro to WE.
For those competitors who are competing in WE regulation
attire/tack in classes where such attire/tack is not
permitted, or who do not wish to be eligible for placings
in the relevant regular classes, only the normal class
fees will apply.
If you have ANY QUESTIONS regarding the Working
Equitation competition, please email me at
Click on links below to view PAALH 2006
Working Equitation information
• PAALH Working Equitation
Home Page
• WE Regulations &
Judging Guidelines 2006
• WE Obedience/Dressage
• WE Course Map
• WE Ease of
Handling 2006
• WE Speed
Rafalet Equine Consulting Home
Last updated June 26, 2006
© 2006 K. Woollatt. All rights reserved.