BALANCE - Part 3
An introduction to the effects and consequences of
unbalanced hooves
Other Symptoms
Hoof imbalances can cause a variety of other problems
too, many of them seemingly unrelated.
Most people
recognize cracks as symptoms of an imbalance,
although they are frequently misunderstood even
by some professionals.
Many cases of
seedy toe and white line disease originally start
with an unbalanced foot stressing the laminae.
Front leg problems
can often be traced to unbalanced hind feet.
More stoic horses
cope with imbalances, but will compensate to
protect themselves. This often shows up as
non-specific low-grade lameness, muscle soreness,
or attitude/training problems.
Many cases of
navicular, ringbone, etc., are directly related
to hoof imbalances.
Asymmetry in the
horses back and hindquarters can also be
directly related to hind feet imbalances. A
particularly common symptom is one hip higher
than the other, often accompanied by an uneven
stride, however subtle, as well as a low
shoulder. If this is a problem of long standing,
the horse may need bodywork as well as hoof
rebalancing, and also some remedial riding.
Of those local farriers I met when first
rebalancing Cimarrons feet, very few were willing
to work with me to effect the changes required. Convinced
that these balancing techniques would help Cimarron, I
committed myself to learning the hows, whys and
wherefores of the rebalancing. In doing so, I witnessed
many horses whose movement and/or soundness was improved
more than many people felt was possible. And I have
developed an understanding and intuitive grasp of when
and how to effect these changes both in my own horses and
in other horses (I started to successfully shoe my own
horses but now prefer to leave them barefoot). Along the
way, I also learned about biomechanics (how horses use
themselves) which in turn helped me to understand how to
help a horse improve his posture, and how to train a
horse without the use of force
Effects of
You might be interested in some of the side-effects of
Cimarrons rebalancing.
Previously, I had to use the
softest brush I could find when grooming him
because of extremely sensitive skin now I
can use a firm brush and he leans into it;
His low right shoulder is now
level with the left shoulder, so he is now able
to eat off the ground comfortably without having
to spread his forelegs (always the left one
forward, right one back);
This has also made it easier to
fit his saddle correctly, and he now bends to the
left easily;
He no longer suffers from
abscesses of obscure origin;
The constant back pain that had
previously required massage sessions several
times a week soon became a thing of the past;
He no longer carries his tail to
one side;
Always eager to please while
under saddle, even minor resistance became a
rarity what a pleasure
While shoeing him Cimarrons
shoes wore very little, and what wear there was
was always dead centre, but he can also go barefoot now;
In his younger years, warm-up
took at least 20 minutes; once his feet were
more correct he was usually supple in five
His trot became much smoother,
and his extended trot sittable! Yes!
Recovery from a
Longtime Lameness
There are many horses other than Cimarron that I have
seen helped through precision balancing. One Appaloosa
mare, 16 years old, had been sidelined for two years due
to a severe lameness. She was able to move freely in her
paddock and on the longeline, but under saddle and asked
to trot she would refuse to put weight on her left front
leg. One vet diagnosed problems from an old shoulder
injury, another diagnosed ringbone and both pronounced
her unrideable. Unwilling to write off the horse, her
owner agreed to having the horses feet rebalanced.
After only one shoeing, the mare immediately moved on all
four legs even when ridden. After another shoeing she was
completely sound, and was put into training. Over the
ensuing six years or so she was worked regularly,
competed successfully in dressage schooling shows, and
the lameness that sidelined her for so long never
returned and this without any painkillers or other
medications. She was retired due to blindness.
The Importance of
Correct Shoe Placement
Sometimes, the farrier may trim the hooves correctly, but
place the shoes a little out of position. Again, the
balancing may only need a small adjustment. Here's an
example. One horse I used to see frequently consistently
required extra padding under the right front section of
the saddle, and demonstrated, among other things, more
difficulty leg-yielding to the right than to the left.
One week, a few days after being shod, the saddle no
longer fitted correctly, and we found that now the left
front section needed the extra lift. In addition, the
horse now demonstrated more difficulty leg yielding to
the left
At the same time, the horses loin
areaimmediately in front of the hipssuddenly
became quite hollow. Well
coincidence, you might
think. However, while the hind shoes appeared well
placed, on close examination they were actually slightly
out of position, and further, they did not adequately
support the heels and bulbs. (Many people, however, would
have considered it an excellent shoeing job, and in most
respects it was.) Correct riding by the owner helped the
horse compensate and the hollowness over the loins
improved somewhat, although the asymmetry remained
reversed. A few days after the next shoeing, this time
giving more support to the bulbs of the feet, and taking
more care in the placement of the shoes, the saddle again
needed refittingonce again requiring the extra lift
on the right side, and yes, the leg yielding changed back
and the loins filled back out. Another
coincidence? Not in my experience.
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