10. Canter cavaletti
Obstacle consists of 3 or 4 raised groundrails placed in
a fan shape.
Still holding the lance, the rider guides the horse over
the groundrails.
DIRECTIVES - The judge should score the way in which the
horse approaches the obstacle, its reaction to the
groundrails, any movement of the pole and the rider's
ease of movement
The horse should always advance at a steady pace and one
rail at a time.
11. Wooden
The obstacle consists of a bridge made of wooden boards
which the horse must cross.
The bridge will be approximately two metres long, 1.50
metres wide and 20 centimetres high.
DIRECTIVES - The judge should evaluate the regularity of
the gaits, transitions and willingness/confidence
vis--vis the obstacle.
The judge should penalize a horse who shows reluctance in
crossing the obstacle.
12. Using a Pole to dislodge a ball from a simlulated
The obstacle consists of the figure of a bull as a
target, upon which is placed a ball which should be
struck by the end of the pole and dislodged.
DIRECTIVES - The judge should score the way in which the
horse approaches the obstacle, its naturalness, the way
in which the rider uses the pole and whether the ball is
dislodged. If the rider strikes any other part of the
obstacle with the pole, or uses the side of the pole to
contact the ball, even if knocking the ball over, his
score should be lower than if he had merely succeeded in
striking the ball.
13. Placing a Pole in a Barrel
This obstacle should be classified as in Obstacle 9, with
the only difference being that the pole should be placed
in the barrel.
DIRECTIVES - The judge should score the way in which the
horse approaches the obstacle, its reaction to the
movement of the pole and the rider's ease of movement in
placing the pole.
The exercise will be considered successfully completed
even if the pole touches the bottom of the barrel and
exits. The act of knocking the barrel over will be
penalized. If the pole is dropped prior to being placed,
the competitor may not continue the trial under penalty
of disqualification. To avoid this situation the
competitor will dismount, pick the pole up and then
continue with the trial.
14. Pick up Hay feeder
The obstacle consists of a plastic 1/2 barrel attached to
a rope that is draped over an upright post.
The rider canters to the post, retrieves the rope, and
canters with the barrel in tow to the bridge. Rider
proceeds to drag the barrel over the bridge.
DIRECTIVES - The judge should evaluate the manner in
which the horse approaches the post without showing any
fear or reaction when the rider picks up the rope and
drags the feeder. The rider will be penalized if the post
is knocked over.
15. Drag barrel over Bridge
The obstacle consists of a wooden bridge which the horse
must cross while dragging the barrel feeder.
DIRECTIVES - The judge should evaluate the regularity of
the gaits, transitions and willingness/confidence
vis--vis the obstacle.
The judge should penalize a horse who shows reluctance in
crossing the obstacle, or if the barrel falls off the
side of the bridge and/or if the barrel damages the
foliage around the bridge.
16. Drop off barrel and retrieve slicker from post
This obstacle consists of approaching an upright post
with a slicker hanging from it. The horse will canter to
the post, pause while the rider unhooks the slicker, and
attaches the barrel rope to the post. The rider then
takes the slicker and canters to the next obstacle.
DIRECTIVES - The judge should evaluate the manner in
which the horse approaches the post without showing any
fear or reaction when the rider picks up the slicker and
attaches the rope. The rider will be penalized if the
post is knocked over.
17. Drop off slicker
This obstacle consists of an upright post with a hook.
The rider will leave the previous obstacle at the canter
and will proceed at canter through the reinback corridor
of Obstacle #5a before reaching the upright post, where
the rider will place the slicker on the hook. The rider
approaches the judge who acknowledges completion of the
DIRECTIVES - The judge should evaluate the manner in
which the horse passes through the L-shpaed corridor and
approaches and remains at a halt next to the post without
evidencing any signs of fear and lack of trust in the
rider's use of aids. The rider will be penalized if post
is knocked over or slicker is dropped.
C. Speed Trial
This trial will consist of the same obstacles as in the
Ease of Handling trial, with the following changes:
- Obstacles may be negotiated at either walk or canter.
- After the judge has saluted the rider, the rider will
commence his/her ride by starting a stopwatch at the
start/finish and leaving it on the table.
- The slicker obstacle will not be included.
- The rider's last challenge is to retrieve the stopwatch
from the table, stopping the timer before handing it to
the judge taking care not to erase the ride time.
The only change to the rules on attire, tack and bits is
that the use of protective boots is permitted.
The score will be based on the sum of the following:
- time taken to complete the course.
- time attributed to penalties.
- time subtracted for bonuses.
The event will be timed from the starting of the
stopwatch by the competitor and will end when the
competitor turns the stopwatch off.
In this trial, failure to complete an obstacle, or any
uncorrected fault made during the course, will result in
disqualification. A course fault is considered to have
been committed when the competitor begins obstacle number
("n"+1), without having performed obstacle no.
"n" or if he has not performed the pre-defined
course within the obstacle.
General grounds for elimination:
- Taking more than a minute to enter the arena after
being called
- Entering the arena before the bell has been rung;
- Taking more than a minute to begin the trial after the
signal has been given;
- Failure to salute the judge;
- Moving away from the start before the judge has given
the signal
- Failure to correct a course fault;
- Three consecutive refusals to perform the same
- Fall of rider;
- Failure to complete an obstacle;
- Failure to move to the finish;
- Traces of blood on horse;
- Refusal of horse to advance for a period of 15 seconds;
- The same reasons pertaining to dress, tack and bits as
in the dressage trial with the exception of the use of
protective boots (which in this case are permitted).
Scoring and Penalties:
Start Stopwatch
Failure to start timer and leave on table -
1a. Bell at End of Corridor
Dislodging each fence in the corridor - 10 seconds each
Ringing the bell - deduct 10 second bonus
Failure to perform the obstacle - disqualification
1b. Gate
Dropping and failing to replace the rope - 30 seconds
(rider may dismount to pick up the rope)
Failure to leave the gate latched - 20 seconds
Knocking over the uprights - 10 seconds
Failure to perform the obstacle - disqualification
2. Barrel
Touching barrel - 10 seconds
Course fault - disqualification
3. Pirouette inside a Triangle
Dislodging a rail - 10 seconds
Moving outside the defined areas - 10 seconds
Failure to perform the exercise - disqualification
4. Jumping over hay bales
The obstacle, in this trial, will be completed as rapidly
as possible (any gait)
Dislodging rail - 5 seconds
Touching and displacing bale - 10 seconds
Failure to jump the obstacle - disqualification
5a. Backing up in corridor
Knocking over fences - 10 seconds each
Horse steps out of corridor - 15 seconds
Failure to perform the exercise - disqualification
5b. Sidepassing
Dislodging the rail - 5 seconds
One or more legs step over rail - 10 seconds
Failure to perform the exercise - disqualification
5c. Retrieve claw
Dropping claw - 5 seconds
One or more legs step over rail - 10 seconds
Failure to perform the exercise - disqualification
6. Pick up lost mailbag
Failure to pick up the bag - disqualification
Bag retrieved but is dropped and not picked up -
7. Jumping over brush pile
The obstacle, in this trial, will be completed as rapidly
as possible (any gait)
Touching and displacing bale - 10 seconds
Failure to jump the obstacle - disqualification
8. Deliver mail and drop off claw
Dropping and failing to place the claw - 30 seconds
(rider may dismount to pick up the claw)
Dropping and failing to place the mailbag - 30 seconds
(rider may dismount to pick up the bag)
Knocking over the mailbox - 10 seconds
Failure to perform/complete the obstacle -
9. Removal of a Pole from a barrel
Failure to remove the pole - disqualification
Pole removed but is dropped and not picked up -
Knocking over the barrel - 10 seconds
10. Canter cavaletti
Dislodging rail - 5 seconds
Failure to complete the obstacle - disqualification
11. Wooden Bridge
The bridge will be crossed over as rapidly as possible in
this trial (any gait)
Failure to cross bridge - disqualification
12. Using a Pole to dislodge the ball on the Figure of a
Dislodging the ball - deduct 10 second bonus
Failure to strike the ball -10 seconds
Striking ball with side of pole instead of point - 20
Knocking over the bull - 10 seconds
Failure to pass through the zone defined for the obstacle
- disqualification
Approaching the obstacle without collecting the pole -
13. Placing the Pole in a barrel
Failure to place the pole - 20 seconds
Pole is dropped but then picked up and placed in the drum
after the rider mounts - no penalty
Knocking over the drum after placing the pole - 10
Knocking over the drum before the pole is placed -
The exercise will be considered to have been successfully
completed when the pole strikes the bottom of the drum in
which it is to be placed, even if it subsequently falls
out. If the pole does not enter and is dropped, the
competitor must dismount, pick it up, remount and
continue the course (placing it inside the drum). The
same procedure will be adopted if the pole is dropped at
any point between exercise 9) and this exercise.
14. Pick up Hay feeder
Knocking over post - 10 seconds
Uncorrected course fault - disqualification
15. Wooden Bridge
The bridge will be crossed over as rapidly as possible in
this trial (any gait) towing hay feeder
Feeder falls off bridge or damages foliage - 20 seconds
Failure to cross bridge - disqualification
16. Drop off Hay feeder
Knocking over post - 10 seconds
Uncorrected course fault - disqualification
17. Retrieve stopwatch from table
The exercise will be considered to have been successfully
completed when the timer has been turned off and the
stopwatch handed to the judge.
Failure to hand over stopwatch to judge -
Erasing of ride time by competitor before judge notes
time elapsed - disqualification
The final individual score will be obtained by adding up
the number of points awarded in each trial.
The points awarded per trial will conform to the
Number of competitors - N. Individual points for each
1st . . . . . . . N+3 points
2nd. . . . . . . N points
3rd . . . . . . . N-2 points
4th . . . . . . . N-3 points
5th . . . . . . . N-4 points
last . . . . . . . . . 1 point
Competitors who have been eliminated in any of the trials
will be awarded 0 (zero) points in each such trial but
may participate in the following trials and earned points
shall be included in the final classification.
For 12 competitors . . . . . N = 12
1st . . . . . . 15 points
2nd. . . . . . 12 points
3rd . . . . . . 10 points
4th . . . . . . . .9 points
5th . . . . . . . . .8 points
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
12th . . . . . . . 1 point
Points Multiplication Coefficients :
DRESSAGE - Coefficient 1.5
EASE OF HANDLING - Coefficient 1
SPEED - Coefficient 1.5
If you
have questions please email:
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• WE Course Map
• WE Ease of
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Rafalet Equine Consulting Home
Last updated June 26, 2006
© 2006 K. Woollatt. All rights reserved.